Hangouts from Google is one of the newest instant messaging programs available for smartphones. With FlexiSPY supporting more IM services than any other competitor it makes sense that they should offer support for capturing Hangouts conversations but this is also something that Mobile Spy advertises to do on their website as well – so which one is best?

How Important Is IM Capturing For Spy Phone Software?

Capturing instant messaging is more vital to spy phone software now than it has ever been. Capturing just phone calls and SMS messages is not enough anymore. More and more people are using instant messaging to keep in touch with people as well as for getting up to no good as well.

Capturing just the text of an instant messaging conversation is not enough anymore. With the ability to share rich media such as images, pictures, videos and GPS location with friends, as well as the ability to use emoticons and stickers you really need to start picking up all details of an instant message conversation if you want to know exactly what is going on.

For example a well-placed smiley or sticker can mean far more than mere words ever could. So capturing the shared rich media of an IM conversation should be paramount but once the data is captured it should then also be easy to understand and interpret too. This means that inside the respective online dashboard of the spy phone software in question the captured IM data (in this case Hangouts) should be fully searchable and easy enough to understand so you can quickly and easy digest the captured IM data and see any secrets that they may have been hiding.

This means that there are three areas that need to be looked at in order to ascertain the effectiveness of capturing IM data. What data is captured, how the data is presented in the online account and whether or not the shared rich media is captured as part of the IM data captured.

Mobile Spy Captures Hangouts But Is It As Good As FlexiSPY?

During our tests Mobile Spy captured Hangouts from the iPhone we were using but it only captured the text of each message. This means that there was no real shared rich media displayed inside the Mobile Spy online account nor was the captured IM message data easy to follow either. Furthermore the Hangouts profile information such as profile name and picture were also not captured accurately either.

Mobile Spy simply captures Hangouts data as plain text which means that a lot of formatting and important information that can only be conveyed through shared rich media (e.g. a romantic interlude by a married man sharing his location with a lady) will be missed by Mobile Spy. If someone you know uses Hangouts but only talks in text then even then Mobile Spy is lacking due to the bare bones in terms of the amount of information that Mobile Spy captures and uploads.

FlexiSPY Captures Hangouts And Gives You The Conversation Text And Shared Rich Media Which You Do Not Get With Mobile Spy

FlexiSPY captures the rich media shared between all parties taking part in a hangouts conversation. This means that the fact that it captures just more than the text makes it better at capturing Hangouts data than Mobile Spy. The only thing that FlexiSPY does not capture properly are emoticons but this is something that all other competitors suffer from as well due to the way that emoticons work.

Basically, for those who are interested, emoticons start off as symbols (e.g. 😉 ) and this is converted in to the emoticon by the server of the IM program (in this case Hangouts) and so spy phone software can only capture the key presses as it cannot convert them in to emoticons which is why you can see that, in the screenshot below, FlexiSPY captures the shared rich media such as pictures, video and shared GPS locations but not the emoticons which are displayed as random text (no conversion can take place from text to emoticon).

FlexiSPY also, unlike Mobile Spy, displays the captured Hangouts chat inside the online account in an easy to understand and follow format. This means that it looks as close as it can to how it would be on the actual TARGET device itself which means that FlexiSPY provides far better Hangouts coverage than Mobile Spy or any other spy phone competitor.

FlexiSPY Captures Hangouts Better Than Any Other Competitor | Including Mobile Spy

The evidence here speaks for itself.

Mobile Spy captured Hangouts but to the same degree of detail and accuracy as FlexISPY did. This means that, if you want to really see what is being said and shared in a Hangouts conversations, and shared rich media is an important factor, then FlexiSPY is the spy phone software to go for.

In comparison to this Mobile Spy provides only the lowest level of coverage for Hangouts communication. It has got to the point now where capturing mere text is not enough. People want to see the shared rich media as well because more often than that the secrets of the conversation are hidden inside there – capturing text alone is not enough.

In the table below you can see how FlexiSPY compares to its competitors when capturing other IM applications across all supported smartphone platforms.

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