Who are the software publishers?

While you may see spy phones or spy phone software being sold by a range of companies, the reality is that there are only three main suppliers of spyphone software. These three companies manufacture and sell their own products, but one, notably Neo Call, also allows resellers to rebrand their basic products and resell it at their own prices. This is not always a bad thing, as spy phone software and spy phone resellers may add extra services or provide personal support.

Once you are familiar with the spyphone products that are reviewed here, you will understand that the choices are simpler that it would appear at first sight. There may seem to be hundreds of companies selling spyphones, but the reality is that there are only three manufacturers.

Spy Phone Review introduces the vendors:

Here are the three major players in the spyphone business.

Don’t be fooled by spyware or scamware

Many customers have been burnt by fake spy phone software or spyware.

This is also known as ‘scamware’ but whatever you want to call it it usually ends up using the following disguises – e-Stealth, Bluestealth, Ultimate Mobile Spy, SpyMasterTools , CellSpyPro, phonestealth, bigdaddyspy.

Ironically it was E-stealth and my poor experience with it as scamware that drove me to start Spy Phone Review, so perhaps this particular cloud has a silver lining, as you can now benefit from my experience.

My friend was one of the hundreds that were burned by the E-Stealth Bluetooth spy phone fraud and I’m here to do what I can to protect others from sharing his fate.

Read more about estealth bluetooth spy phone scamware.