MAY 20, 2020
FlexiSPY Vs. StealthGenie Android Which Is The Best For Spying On WeChat?
Here we discuss FlexiSPY and StealthGenie regarding spying on WeChat text logs from your Android target phone.
According to a 1st quarter 2014 report; Tencent-owned WeChat has garnished 396 million active users. This makes WeChat one of the most popular and fastest growing chat networks in the world. Although based in China, GlobalWebIndex confirms the service has skyrocketed with 1099% growth outside of China between Q1 2013 – Q1 2014. Tencent has already opened an office in San Francisco for the American market.
With its unique “look-around” feature of finding strangers nearby to connect with, if you still haven’t heard of WeChat, don’t be surprised to find out your target is already using it!
WeChat Elements
Like other popular IM’s, WeChat allows users to send a variety of shared media such as stickers, emoticons, voice messages, pictures, video clips, personal location data and more. FlexiSPY is currently the only spy software solution that actively monitors any part of your WeChat logs. FlexiSPY currently captures WeChat text and contact names, with plans to capture more of WeChat’s shared content in future updates.
There are 10 basic pieces of chat information you can send via WeChat:
- Contact Name
- Contact Picture
- Text
- Emoticons
- Stickers
- Name Card (Shared Contacts)
- Photos
- Videos
- Audio Voice Messages
- Location (meet me here!)
We used this information as sample data for testing both FlexiSPY and its competitors. In the screenshot Fig. 1 you can see a conversation with some of these WeChat options as displayed on the target phone itself.
How does StealthGenie capture WeChat?

StealthGenie doesn’t offer any WeChat monitoring, even basic text. This is compared to 3 out of 10 types of WeChat data successfully captured by FlexiSPY. This includes text chat logs with contact names and contact profile photos.
StealthGenie only claims to capture BBM, Facebook, WhatsApp, iMessage, Skype, GTalk, Blackberry PIN and Viber. We review these in other articles from this series.
How does FlexiSPY capture WeChat?

FlexiSPY is currently the only cell phone monitoring software to capture WeChat logs; this puts FlexiSPY clearly in the lead for capturing all WeChat text and contact photos.
Only FlexiSPY captures WeChat chat logs. No other mobile monitoring software offers it – including StealthGenie.
FlexiSPY vs StealthGenie – Who Captures More WeChat?
Because StealthGenie does not offer any WeChat monitoring features, you won’t capture any WeChat logs at all with StealthGenie. If your target uses WeChat, you’ll need a different solution as StealthGenie is a non-competitor in this area.
While FlexiSPY doesn’t yet capture all the shared media elements of WeChat, it does capture all WeChat text messages and contact photos. FlexiSPY is currently the only cell phone monitoring software to offer WeChat logging, and plans to capture more of the shared media available from WeChat in future updates.
FlexiSPY captures all WeChat text and clearly identifies each of the contacts your target is communicating with, including name and profile pictures, and displays this information in an easy to follow manner (See Fig. 3). There’s clearly more to track and follow across all smartphone communications with FlexiSPY.
If you need WeChat monitoring, FlexiSPY is the only reliable choice. FlexiSPY also captures other popular IM services which are summarized in the table below and in the blog article here. These are compared in other articles from this series.